Edition # 1


Edition # 2


Edition # 3


Edition # 4


Edition # 5


Edition # 6


Edition # 7


Edition # 8


Edition # 9


Recognitions and Agreements

As members of the International Baccalaureate World School, U.E. Santana proudly serves as an educational institution associated with UNESCO. We implement the pedagogical approach of “Teaching for Understanding” (EPC) from Harvard University, USA. Additionally, in Early Childhood Education and 1st grade of Basic Education, we apply the “Common Worlds” approach.

We are committed to fostering collaboration and partnerships through inter-institutional agreements, including those with UDA, UTPL, Western University, Toronto University, and others. We are also proud members of Corpeducar and the Cámara de Comercio of  Cuenca, as well as the Ecuadorian-American.

PEA Network (UNESCO Associated Schools Network)

Established in 1953, the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (PEA), commonly known as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network comprising 10,000 educational institutions across 181 countries.


The entities within this network range from preschools, primary (elementary), and secondary (high school) schools to vocational training centers and teacher training institutes. Together, they work towards promoting international understanding, peace, intercultural dialogue, sustainable development, and the implementation of quality education. Santana has been a proud member of this group of schools since 2005.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) is a nonprofit educational foundation founded in 1968, renowned for offering four prestigious international education programs. The primary goal of IB is to develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills that students need to thrive, learn, and work in an increasingly globalized world. Santana received authorization to offer the Diploma Programme in April 2011.


The Diploma Programme aims to educate students who achieve both breadth and depth in their knowledge while also fostering physical, intellectual, emotional, and ethical growth. This program reflects Santana’s commitment to providing a comprehensive and globally recognized education that prepares students for success in an interconnected world.

Cambridge English Language Assessment Exam Preparation Centre 2014:

Established in 2014, our Cambridge English Language Assessment Exam Preparation Centre represents a distinctive approach to English language learning, teaching, and assessment. At its core, this approach is driven by cutting-edge research and a profound commitment to:


Delivering Educational Excellence: Our primary aim is to provide top-tier education and create enhanced opportunities for both students and teachers.


Adding Value: We strive to offer added value to teachers, educational institutions, and businesses, ensuring that they benefit from our programs and services.


Promoting Language Learning: We are dedicated to promoting language learning to the betterment of society as a whole.


Through this center, we are proud to offer a comprehensive English language learning experience that aligns with these principles and empowers individuals to achieve linguistic proficiency and excellence.


Santana is a proud member of CORPEDUCAR, an organization that has united private schools nationwide since May 3, 2001. These schools share a commitment to quality education through the planning, development, and implementation of projects that contribute to the sustainable development of Ecuador.

Microsoft School Agreement

The Microsoft School Agreement is a licensing program that grants SANTANA the right to use a selection of Microsoft products for educational purposes. This agreement allows the institution to install both new and previous versions of these products for a specified duration, ensuring compliance with the respective licenses and permissions.

Integration and Sports Days for Private Secular Schools

Santana takes pride in being the initiator and motivator behind the Integration and Sports Days for Private Secular Schools, established in 2001. This initiative was created as a space where friendship is fostered through sports and healthy competition.